Friday, July 4, 2008


Well, the baby blessing is getting closer. It's just two days away now and I'm hoping that I didn't forget to invite anyone. My mom and I sent out invitations to everyone we could think of nearby and we emailed the people who lived too far away to make it here.

Before the baby was even born, my mom bought a really cute blessing outfit for him. The outfit would have fit him the first month and maybe even the second, but now we are on our third and he got too big for it. I exchanged the outfit for the next size up and it's a little long on him because it was the six month size. He's only two months old, but he's too tall for the zero-three month sizes. When I went out to the car with the correct size, I opened the brown bag everything was in and realized the blessing shoes we had weren't nearly the right size. The shoes we had wouldn't have fit him the day he was born. For a baby he's got gigantic feet! So luckily I caught that before we drove all the way home and I got the correct size shoes as well.

So now I'm just hoping that the wheels are in motion and all will go smoothly. Pastor is such a wonderful dad to the baby. He did it again today! When Pastor got home, baby Duane started smiling up a storm and sticking his little tongue out. He was so excited to see his daddy and it was so adorable. He doesn't smile that big for me during the day. Maybe I'm just too boring . . .


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