Sunday, July 13, 2008


This is my little guy after a long day. Yesterday was Pastor's only day off this week and we did a bunch of things. First we went to Wal-Mart to get some groceries. The baby loves to go to Wally world. His body is never still because he's always twisting and turning to look around at all the new things. Then we went to dinner with my mom and Gary to celebrate my birthday. After that we went to play tennis together and we were pleasantly surprised by a series of fireworks that were being launched at the park. We finally turned in when the bugs got too thick.
When we came home, it was after dark and baby Duane was tuckered out. He could barely eat his last meal of the day. After he fell asleep I took some pictures of him. Pastor hates it when I take pictures of him with flowers because he thinks it makes the baby look like a girl. I just do it because I really love flowers. I don't think it makes him look like a girl when he's just holding the flower. But anyway, it's hard to catch him sleeping with his hands like this because he usually is swaddled. Last night he fell asleep before I could get his swaddling blanket out. Poor guy, he's so sweet.
This is the sunset from last night. Everything is so hazy because of all the smoke coming out of the canyon. It made for a spectacular sunset though. I wish I had a better camera to catch better pictures, but what I have works okay.

1 comment:

Jo Romero said...

i love your pictures! your so good with the camera and ideas