Friday, July 11, 2008

Muscle Pain

So these are the kettlebells I mentioned before, they finally came in the mail and I tried the workout video. I actually did this a few days ago but haven't said anything. The workout was intense and now I'm a cripple because my muscles are so sore. It was a really good workout though. I went on a walk after to try and avoid any muscle soreness but it didn't work. I even ate a few bananas, which is supposed to help with muscle pain after working out. I still can't go up or down stairs and when I went on my walk yesterday, I went up Mary Poley Hill and it was total torture.
Hopefully, when I do it again today, it will losen the muscles and there won't be as much pain. Man, I hate using muscles I haven't used in ages! That's what I get for being so lazy during the pregnancy. *sigh*

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