Sunday, September 6, 2009

Letter From My Brother

Dear Alexandria & Canayo Family 8*30*2009

Hey! Training's going well, I just qualified marksman on my rifle on Wednesday and threw my grenades yesterday. I actually don't remember Uncle Matt, but seems pretty nice to let you swim in his lake though. Anyone who gets you out of that filthy Salt Lake and into some clean water seems okay by me! About the question about where I go after training . . . I finish basic training on Sept. 25, from there I go to Fort Sam Houston where I train to be a combat medic (it's in San Antonio, TX). From there I will graduate late February/early March, at which time I will come home and be stationed at Camp Williams with a medical unit. Whenever and wherever that unit gets deployed, I go with. Deployments are usually 12 months and then home from 18 months up to many years. I hope that answers your question. About good Spanish names, there is a kid in my platoon. His name is Quintana, he's a stud and the name seemed original and a good name for a boy. Just thought I'd throw that in there for you to consider. Wow! Pastor is graduating this semester! I hope graduation is when I am home. I would really like to go to it. What is he getting his degree in? The church that prints the emails is the LDS Church lol, and I will tell them thanks for you. It's like the same thing as the same-day missionary email. This week has been the toughest week so far, and the drill sergeant says that it gets easier from here on out. The only huge event left is the 15k road march!! That's on the 14th, but after that week we will be all done and turning equipment in the remainder of the time. The toughest thing here at basic hasn't been really anything physical, it has been the lack of sleep. You know you are tired when you can lean against a blast wall and fall asleep standing while grenades are going off only 30 meters away. Before joining I never thought I could do that! All in all though, basic isn't that bad. The human body is stronger than you think it is until you push where you thought the limits were and go past. I've been actually having a lot of fun, but at the same time can't wait to leave. Living with the same 60 guys for a month and a half, some of them can really get on your nerves. But that's just human nature I guess. Well I guess I better get ready for bed, we have more PT first thing in the morning (on LABOR DAY!!). Tell Pastor I wish him the best on his last semester and that he better get all A's or I'm kicking his butt, j/k. Send my best wishes to both sides of the family. Love ya lil' sis. Miss all you guys!


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