Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Could See My Breath!!

Duane and I went for our walk as we usually do on Monday, only we had to wait for it to stop raining. We left right after a pretty heavy downfall, but the sun was peeking through and I thought it seemed pretty safe. Because we left later than usual, we came home when the sun had gone down. Duane was all bundled up because I could see my breath!

The weather is changing and I don't like it. I love the elements of winter that let someone go sledding and tubing and snowmobiling, the fun part where you have snow ball fights and build snowmen and snow forts. These I look forward to, but my fear of driving on ice (especially with the thought of others driving on ice while texting) greatly outweighs my joy of winter games. I'm glad the harsher part of winter doesn't usually last more than two months here in Utah. I can hide indoors that long!

Here is Duane, perhaps the blanket was overkill, I didn't even need a jacket, but I didn't want my precious baby getting sick! It's obvious by the pic that we did get a little rained on.

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