Saturday, September 19, 2009

Advice Welcome!! In Fact, Desperately Needed!

So . . .

This froggie potty mocks me. I have no idea what I'm doing. My little guy is young, but it's feasible, right?

Any tips would be appreciated.


Erin said...

Ok, so technically it is possible to start potty training at 18 months. But most books suggest waiting until you start seeing signs of readiness. The biggest one the I am looking for is for when Aiden starts to recognize and tell me that he is poopy. (Which he has accurately done twice now.) On top of that most potty training books recommend waiting until a child is closer to three. Not to mention that all mothers of boys everywhere say that it takes longer to potty train boys then it does girls. The other sign I am waiting for with Aiden is for him to have increased interest when Brandon or I use the bathroom. He does like to flush the toilet. Here are a couple of sights with signs of potty training readiness.,1510,24422,00.html
We may start trying to train Aiden in December when he is about 22 months old because that will give us 5 months before the baby comes because he is already showing some signs of readiness and that is still 3 months away. You might want to consider waiting until after your baby is born... Hope this helps...

Jungle MOM said...

Ooooh! Thanks Erin! Those are some awesome sightes. I'll have to read up on them more. :)