Friday, August 21, 2009

Letter From My Brother

Dear Canayos 8*16*2009

Hey, things are going pretty good here in Kentucky. How's things in Utah? I didn't know that grandma Nerdin's roof caved in. Was that after she got the new roof on it or before? I helped de-shingle the roof, and it looked like it was in pretty rough shape when we got it down to the wood. all the brothers told her a couple of places needed replacement, but maybe she thought they were just kidding. That's good she's excited about it; and poor grandpa, lol. Hey, can you guys send me grandma Nerdin's address? I asked dad awhile ago, but haven't heard back. I'm way excited about next week, we begin our rifle shooting. We are going to be shooting for the next 2-3 weeks pretty consistently. I guess being a good shot is important in a war zone or something. I have made a bunch of friends, my best friend here is probably Ogden. He's from Utah, we flew out together, were in the same company back in Utah together, and ended up in the same platoon. There are a couple of little retarded kids that I would love to punch in the head though. I mostly just ignore them. Oh, and yes co. means company. Congrats Pastor on doing well on your finals, a whole week off, you're so lucky. Oh, the bishop at the church said you should send your e-mails in black font, said everyone is sending colored e-mails and they're running out of color ink so we should pass that info on, FYI. Tell grandma Nerdin NOT to send me any brownies, my drill sergeants would own me! After I graduate and go to my AIT, that would be a good time for brownies though. Well miss you guys! Take care back home.

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