Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear World

Duane's word of the week: hot! hot! hot! (Said in a whisper through gritted teeth and a smile while running around not touching anything hot).

This week was harder than usual only because Pastor went back to work after a week of nothing but play. We had so much fun that I forgot we would have to go back to normal eventually. It's taught me to appreciate my husband more and I try harder to be a better wife.

Duane is getting taller and taller. He's learned so many new words, including: Bus! (which he says to semi trucks as well), hot-hot-hot, and no! no! no! no! (said while shaking his head with a severe look on his face). He's getting so big that I hardly dare put the camera down, afraid I might miss something.

Pastor is dreading going back to school tomorrow, but is excited to graduate. This will happen at the end of this semester if everything goes well.

Baby #2 is causing a lot of havoc in my tummy. He's a lot more active than Duane was, or what I remember he was. Baby #2 kicks my tummy and keeps me up at night. Luckily, I love my sleep and not much keeps me from it longer than ten minutes of trying.

There are many things we need to work on. Family home evening is one of them, so is Pastor and I attending the temple more often. Going to church today made me think of those things, but there are quite a few more. Hopefully I can keep the updates coming more frequently, but we are all doing well and hope the same goes for anyone who reads this. :)

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