Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Great Day

The most amazing thing happened today! Avan smiled at me. It wasn't one of those I'm laughing because I have bubbles in my tummy smiles. No. I cooed at him and he smiled and even giggled a little. He did it again when Pastor came home. Granted this was at one in the morning, but staying up is worth seeing a little baby smile.

To be honest, it's given me a much needed boost. It's funny how the smallest things can keep us going.

On another note, I've been loving the sun coming out, even though I haven't been able to enjoy it. At least not until today. Today was the day that we finally got to go to the park again. We haven't since two days before Avan was born and Duane was so excited when I told him to get his shoes on because we were going outside. He kept saying "OUTSIDE?! OUTSIDE?!" and "Go? Go?" It was really adorable. Avan didn't enjoy the park as much as Duane though, he was more ready for a nap than being in the sun.

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