Thursday, February 25, 2010

Diet Changes

I have recently heard that high fructose corn syrup is really bad for people. As a matter of fact, Dr. Oz hates the stuff and treats it like poison. Well, I thought it would be worth it to cut it from our kitchen. Little did I know it is the glue that holds a lot of food together! Ketchup, for example, has high fructose corn syrup, so does BBQ sauce. One thing I was really surprised to learn had high fructose corn syrup was yo plait yogurt. Come people, yogurt? Really? YOGURT?? I thought that was supposed to be good for you! The only jelly I could find with out high fructose corn syrup was this itty bitty bottle that costs almost $3, so I have been eating PB&J a lot less lately. The jelly was a Smuckers brand called "Simply Fruit."

Another thing I have been trying to avoid are foods with names of things that I can't pronounce. You know what I mean, right? Those really long names of scientific chemicals and such that seem like they shouldn't be on a box of cookies? Well, it turns out they probably shouldn't.

The one other thing I've been trying to do lately is eat more veggies, which isn't really hard for me. I like vegetables, but Pastor does not. I'm going to try make him a banana spinach smoothie and see if he notices. The color will be disguised by chocolate powder, so he'll never know. I did tell him that the bag of spinach we got today was for him, but he just laughed and didn't believe me.

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