Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am soo happy! Pastor came home from Peru after being gone for a little over a week. I know a week ins't that long but it seemed like an eternity at the time! I missed my hunny a LOT and I hope the next time he goes to Peru I can go with him. There is nothing like someone going away for a week to remind you of how much you love and need them.

While Pastor was gone, Duane would ask for him daily. He'd even go to the window and look for him saying "Daddy? Daddy?" as if calling for Pastor. Needless to say, he missed Pastor too and was really happy to see him. For the first few days after his return, Duane wouldn't let Pastor out of his sight. He REALLY loves daddy.


Jessica said...

I am glad Pastor made it home ok. It definitely bites when the husbands leave, and you are right, it makes you realize how much you love them and want them around.

Jungle MOM said...

Yes!! I was such a baby.