Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Keeping Busy

It's that time again! That time when Duane reminds me he's growing too fast by needing a ride somewhere. I am now a chauffeur. This week Duane played soccer with his fellow cub scouts and a couple of missionaries. He said that seeing missionaries play soccer was the funniest thing he'd seen all day. He also mentioned the consumption of two cookies. I never saw said cookies, which was a good thing because usually I can decipher what my kids eat by what's on their face. We need to get him a scout's book so we can read through the first part and he can get his first badge!
While he was partying, we went to this little nearby pond. I think it's actually just supposed to be a fishing pond, but there are ducks there as well. I wonder if the fishermen are annoyed when people come to feed the ducks? Do ducks disturb fish? The world may never know...
There were very few fowl there, actually. Much less than last time we went, but that was a long time ago. Probably more than a year.
There were 4 Canadian geese, 2 mean geese, and 4 ducks.
This is Dex trying to convince me that he needs those rocks. He's been trying to keep rocks a lot lately. They are in the house. There was quite a sizeable one on the kitchen floor less than 2 hours ago until I chucked it outside when Duane fed his cat. He puts them in his pocket and in the compartment of his little scooting car. He loves rocks. And pinecones.
Also, Adi found a mushroom. :D

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