Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Last year we decorated our tree with a few of those little feather birds you find at craft stores. Duane really loved them and wanted to hold them all the time. He still finds them and carries them around for a few days. (I'm not very good at hiding things).

This year, I thought it would be a fun idea to decorate our tree with a theme. The theme, of course, being birds. Since the idea came to me, I've been scouring the internet (ahem, pinterest) for ideas to make ornaments. I've already collected some fallen walnuts for the kids to paint with glue and decorate with glitter. I wanted to do the same with some pine cones, but haven't found any.

Owls. I would make them with Christmas colored fabric and I would make them smaller. You know, ornament sized. :D

Stringy Ornaments. I thought they could symbolize nests.

Glittered Birds The link shows glittered deer, but you get the idea. Simply find birds instead of deer. I love that the kids could do this one.

Button Wreath It isn't really a bird thing, but the kids could make them.

Hand Print Ornaments Again, no birds, but something the kids could do.

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