Thursday, November 10, 2011

Butterfly Leaf Lantern Vase

I made some cute leaf lantern vases! They are really pretty when lit with a proper candle, but I don't have one on hand right now. I will try to add pics if ever I remember when I have a candle that fits nicely.

These are the things I used. I've been collecting leaves every day on our walks and pressed them between the pages of heavy book with more heavy books piled on top. I actually ended up NOT using the ribbon. I thought the vases looked better without it. Here is the finished product:

I just used the mod podge to glue the leavs to the glass. Next time I will probably get a flat vase instead of a rounded one, it was a little tricky getting all the leaves to lay flush against the glass. I also just painted the bottom of the leaves first, then added a layer over the top when the leaves had set.

1 comment:

House said...

You are so creative! I need to do more fun activities like you!