Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Big Boy Bed

Duane is officially a big boy now! I can't believe how much he's growing and so quickly too. He helped Pastor put the bed together and seemed to like the idea once it was in once piece, but when we put him down for bed that night, he seemed confused. I gave him his bottle and told him it was time to sleep and tucked him in. He looked at me and grinned the biggest grin I've seen on him. It was like he was just realizing his new found freedom.

After we put Duane down, Pastor and I went to watch some TV. Not even five minutes later, little Duane came out of his room in his little footsie PJ's and dragging his blankie behind him. He looked at us and smiled hugely. I put him back in his bed and this happened again and again, but on the fourth try, he stayed in his bed and fell asleep, just like a big boy.

Tonight, Duane put himself to bed. I felt bad to find him all curled up in his blanket and fast asleep. I didn't even get to say goodnight, but this was at seven, so I wasn't really expecting sleep to hit him that early. He's such a smart boy.


Jessica said...

cute! He has graduated from baby to toddler. Congrats!

Jungle MOM said...

Now if only I could get the potty training thing under way . . .

Erin said...

Was he climbing out of his crib? Is that why you put him in a toddler bed? Everything that I have read mentions not to even worry about it until they are a: climbing out of their crib or b: 3+ Part of me wonders if I should just get the transition over with before the baby comes but the other bigger part of me says, why mess with a good thing, it will make having a newborn a little easier to have Aiden still sleeping so well in his crib. You know? Also, don't worry on the potty training...Aiden has made zero progress and we have been giving him potty time since November. :)