Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Random Things (From Facebook)

RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you

1) I eat chocolate after I work out.
2) I give chocolate to my baby! :o)
3) I love goats and would like to have a dairy farm full of them one day. (Does that mean I aspire to be the crazy goat lady?)
4) Even though my hubby is from Peru, I've never set foot out of the US.
5) I paint and draw really well.
6) I can cook fairly well.
7) I love to take pictures of things even though my camera isn't all that great.
8) I'm addicted to Pet Society.
9) My favorite vacation was at Redwood National Park.
10) The two songs that have really meant a lot to me in my life are O Holy Night and Moonlight Sonata.
11) I watch the food channel just to watch people chop things up. For some reason it fascinates me.
12) Sparkley things draw me in much like they do a raven!
13) Ceviche is my favorite dish as of today.
14) My favorite food is Peruvian.
15) I'm not the best housekeeper.
16) I love to shop DI!
17) I watch the sci-fi channel more than I'd like to admit.
18) I talk to my nine month old non-stop. When we go shopping I ask him questions about what he thinks of what we're going to buy, or if I should buy one thing or another. People often look at me like I'm crazy.
19) People often looked at me like I was crazy before I had Duane. ;)
20) I think my place is in the home with my baby, and no one has been able to persuade me otherwise.
21) My favorite book series is still LOTR. Sorry Bella!
22) I think my son is adroable when he gets the trouble-maker look in his eye.
23) Some TV commercials make me cry when I'm pregnant.
24) I'm running out of things to say.
25) I'll probably look at this tomorrow and wish I'd done it differently.


Mrs. Schacht said...

I love Ceviche!!...mmm...tropical tasting seafood...
I am not pregnant and some tv commercials make me cry....

Jeffrey Weiss said...

You've been selected as having one of the Best Random Things on the Web on your list. No kidding.

Come to to see your Thing and many others.

Thingmeister Jeffrey