Friday, January 22, 2016


Something that frustrates me to no end is getting the kids ready for bed. Nighttime is not a good time for me, not because of them, but because of my anxiety. It seems to only get worse after dark and it's really difficult to put the kids to bed in a nice and peaceful manner.

Duane has recently started doing the dishes before bed. Sometimes he'll end up doing them at 7, which is the time I usually start getting everyone ready for bed. For the first little while we just waited for Duane to be done. By then it was 7:30 or 8. Things aren't pretty for me at that time when there are short people out of bed and I'm the only adult in sight.

The other day I had a revelation. I could be getting Dexter ready for bed while Duane does the dishes. What an idea!! har har

So I tried it. To make things even better, I got Adi ready for bed too. Avan helps Duane with the dishes so I have the littles all to myself.

There really is something to the "phrase divide and conquer." Bedtime is still a little stressful, but not nearly as much. Plus I get more hugs! =)

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