Monday, April 12, 2010

What I Wish I'd Known Before I Had Kids

1) Everything you now you might as well forget

I spent a great deal of time babysitting before I got married and I was sure that I was ready for anything a baby of my own could throw my way. It turned out that I was wrong. Nothing can prepare you for the highs and lows of parenting. I learned that sometimes it takes a miracle and a lot of prayer just to accomplish one thing outside of taking care of babies. (Like laundry and dishes). Although babysitting trained me how to handle every day things like owies and fights, having my own baby was so different that there really was no comparison.

2) Schedules are designed to make you cry

While I think it's important to have a set time for things like meals and nap time, there will be days when your child will do nothing but sit and play in their crib during nap time only to fall asleep on the couch when you finally feel bad enough to get them out. In short, be prepared for your child to be your life and if you do go with a schedule, know that it can and will be swindled by your little one at any given moment.

3) It's okay to cry and, if you're anything like me, you will do a lot of it

In my situation, I am a stay-at-home mom. For me, there were times when I hit rock bottom and was sure I wouldn't make it to the next day with out going insane. There were times when I felt so alone that all I could do was cry. You will have bad days, but the second your little one smiles that toothless smile, you will remember the joy and you will find strength.

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