Friday, October 23, 2009


Two days ago, while on our walk, Duane and I walked under an apple tree. Duane had his little bottle in his mouth like he usually does (he uses the nipple as a pacifier). He saw some apples that had fallen to the ground. He popped his bottle out of his mouth and said, "apple!" I'll have to try and get him to say it on the camcorder because it's the cutest thing he's ever said. I could listen to him say apple all day!

In other word news, Duane has learned to say "shoe" and says it quite frequently because he knows when we get our shoes on we're going somewhere and he loves to go. Another thing my boy has picked up on is saying "my ball!" to every ball he sees. It's no longer just a regular old ball, to him it's "my ball!" He also says "shot" referring to when he throws his balls into his crib, which he does almost every morning right after I get him out of bed. When I see him throw the balls in, I say "nice shot!" Now he says "shot" every time he gets a ball in. So cute.

Cheese has become one of Duane's favorite things to eat, I think that's because he can say "cheese!" when he wants it. It's also really cute when he wants his bottle and he goes around the apartment yelling "ba ba?" looking for it, something that he learned from me as well. Every time he wants a new bottle, I say "should we look for your ba ba?" and proceed to call it like it might answer.

Duane says "truck" too, and "star!" He loves to point out the star that hangs above our kitchen table and does so at every meal. I know there are more words that he's learned, but I can't think of them all right now. Hopefully I'll learn to use the camcorder again very soon.

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