Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Pastor got the boys an easel. They LOVE it! Avan will stand in front of the blackboard with his piece of chalk and swipe at it while saying "I, I, I, I . . ." Because he's drawing a bunch of Is.

Bed Upgrades

BEFORE Avan broke his collar bone, we had a few bed upgrades. Duane is now sleeping in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. He seems to enjoy the extra space to stretch out during the night.
Avan WAS sleeping in Duane's old bed and was doing so well before he broke his collar bone. I tried to keep him in the habit of staying in his new bed, but he would get up in the middle of the night and come to stand by my bed. It was alarming to wake and find him staring at me! So I put him back in his crib for now. When his break has healed, I'll try the big boy bed again.


Avan has been our little adventurer. Not only did he swallow terpanoid a few months ago, a feat that resulted in an ambulance ride to the hospital, now he has broken his collar bone. I think he's acquired bad luck after breaking his grandma's mirror in Peru. We only have 6 years and 8 months more of this.

The poor little guy has adapted to his bandages really well, but keeps wiggling out of them. He will be this way for two more weeks until we go to see if the break has healed properly.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's a Girl!

Well, the good news is in! I am going to have a girl! The only bad news is that the doctor and the ultrasound tech can't agree on a due date. My original date was Feb. 15, 2012, but the ultrasound tech said her measurements showed the due date would be more around Feb. 3. So, we should be having a baby girl in February sometime.